Tag: Europe

By Megan Hulshizer


When schools in Germany have a two week fall vacation, you plan out every second of it to the fullest. First stop: one week in Finland to visit my roommate from my year abroad in Graz, Sanna! I arrived at the Helsinki airport and then was immediately whisked away by Sanna to meet Antti, her…

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By Megan Hulshizer

Lübeck: City of Seven Spires

In Hamburg there is a saying: Für einen echten Hamburger gibt es in Hamburg sowieso nie schlechtes Wetter, nur falsche Kleidung (for a real Hamburger, in Hamburg there is no bad weather, only wrong clothes). Even though the forecast predicted cold, grey, rainy weather, a group of us decided to brave the weather and take…

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By Megan Hulshizer

Trier: Rome of the North

Records dating back to 16 BC make Trier possibly the oldest city in Germany. In front of the Red House, there is a plaque with the inscription: ANTE ROMAM TREVERIS STETIT ANNIS MILLE TRECENTIS. PERSTET ET AETERNA PACE FRUATUR (“Before Rome, Trier stood for 1300 years. May it stand on and enjoy eternal peace”). Seems pretty sassy…

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By Megan Hulshizer

Die Insel

This post is part of a series called Fulbright in Hamburg Hamburg is a port city, known as the “Gate to the World.” It boasts (according to Wikipedia  so you know it’s real) more bridges than Amsterdam, Venice and London combined. My little apartment (which I share with a super smart guy getting his PhD…

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By Megan Hulshizer


This post is part of a series called Fulbright in Hamburg After spending a lovely few days with Eric and Caitlin (and Caesar and Roman and Athena, the pets that they don’t know I’m going to steal), I took the train from Obermohr to Cologne, Germany. I was arriving a few days before our official…

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